Q: Ebook creator

I seen older post where you said an ebook creator was coming, did that ever happen and can you list all 16 sheets for tier 2?


Anthony-DiamondPLUSSep 18, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 19, 2024

A: Ebook will not be available for this AppSumo offer. We will be offering 16 Google Sheets that I have listed below and currently is listed on our website. This I will honor and support within reason. As these sheets are enhanced then will get rolled out to Alpha for early testing and then to AppSumo group. What I might do in future is offer more sheets as small packages, but at this time I don't plan on building more sheets for several months. I am thinking to build out a server that we can connect to our max sheets. We will enhance and improve things with this solution. Hope this all makes sense.

Here's the list of sheets available:

Tier One:

-- BB Max --
A bulk article builder using keyword data. This sheet helps manage and streamline content creation, pulling from AI to automate writing and optimization tasks.

-- BlogTuner --
Designed to fine-tune blog posts, this sheet automates content updates, keyword optimization, and improves SEO performance with the help of AI.

-- Bulk Images --
Automates bulk image handling, resizing, and optimization for articles, streamlining the image addition process as part of content generation.

-- Team Tracker --
Sheet that tracks team progress for managing content at different stages of the SEO process. Helps teams stay organized.

Tier Two:

-- BB Max --
A bulk article builder using keyword data. This sheet helps manage and streamline content creation, pulling from AI to automate writing and optimization tasks.

-- Neuron Max --
Connects to the NeuronWriter API to automate content creation using keyword data. This sheet leverages NeuronWriter’s SEO capabilities to guide the article process, enhancing keyword optimization.

-- Surfer Max --
Integrates with SurferSEO to pull SEO data, perform analysis, and optimize content based on key performance metrics. It automates keyword suggestions and content structure recommendations for higher rankings.

-- MagicMax --
One-click solution that fully automates the BB Max sheet. It offers complete automation from beginning to end.

-- BlogTuner --
Designed to fine-tune blog posts, this sheet automates content updates, keyword optimization, and improves SEO performance with the help of AI.

-- Magic Functions --
A suite of pre-built AI-based functions for content generation, including text expansion, rewriting, and keyword-focused content tweaks.

-- Bulk Scraper --
Scrapes keyword data, competitor content, or product information in bulk. It feeds data directly into the content creation process for SEO analysis.

-- Sitemap Scraper --
Scrapes sitemaps of websites to gather data for analysis and optimization, helping discover content gaps and SEO opportunities.

-- Bulk Images --
Automates bulk image handling, resizing, and optimization for articles, streamlining the image addition process.

-- Shopify Products --
Integrates with Shopify to manage product pages, automatically optimizing descriptions, images, and SEO content to boost sales performance.

-- Blog Refresh --
Automates refreshing older blog content with updated keyword data, new internal links, and fresh SEO insights to improve rankings.

-- Conversion Copy --
Optimizes ecommerce sales copy for better conversion rates by tweaking language, formatting, and SEO. AI is used for copy improvements and A/B testing ideas.

-- Reviews Analyzer --
Automates analysis of customer reviews, extracting insights to enhance product descriptions and create content that resonates with customers.

-- AI Function --
A dedicated sheet that interacts with AI systems to handle various automation tasks, including keyword generation, content structuring, and custom commands.

-- Team Tracker --
Tracks team progress for managing content at different stages of the SEO process. This helps teams stay organized and efficient.

-- Keyword Research & Profit Calculator --
Learn about keyword research and estimate profit. Use this tool to bring over into our content tools to scale things up

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