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Member since: May 2016Deals bought: 342
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 16, 2024

Best SEO tool ever, and i honestly mean it

I have purchased 100s of appsumo deals and this is in my top 5 for sure, and number 1 for SEO

Yes other SEO tools are good, but was just missing something to make my life easier and have a framework to do things according to best practice and ease. Not only that, you learn a ton of SEO techniques and best practices.

Why its so great:
1. The Keyword research systems is fantastic, especially for the automatic silos, which is an unbelievable feature.
2. Guidance and steps easily laid out, its like having a pro SEO assistant on steroids.
3. Video tutorials for everything
4. Service is next level, best in the business
5. Oh did i mention simplicity
6. Unlimited and up top your imagination to do anything you can think of.
7. Easy to change and customize as you wish, but AI giving you the head start, and so far, AI has done 95% of the job
8. Links up to my wordpress blog, it even creates the categories
9 Best AI models as of right now
10. use my own key.
11. Everything is thought about, keywords, silos, sub keywords, titles, meta data, articles in full (in html/normal text) creates google docs instantly so you can share with clients, images, internal links, highly customizable smart tags to get the best results. I am going to stop now as much much more

Not sure this is a drawback, but it takes about an 45min - hour to learn, but you become an seo superstar in the process, so i have upscaled my seo skills

I hardly ever leave reviews, but have to show the love and appreciation to Shawn and the team for the hard work to bring this to us. It really is a game changer

Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

It truly means the world to me to hear that Aah Sheet has made such an impact on your SEO journey, and to be ranked in your top 5 of hundreds of tools is incredibly humbling.

I'm so glad that features like the keyword research system, automatic silos, and the ease of customization are making your work more streamlined. I really wanted to create something that feels like an SEO assistant on steroids, and it’s awesome to know you’re seeing that in action.

The fact that you’re learning and improving your SEO skills along the way is exactly what I hoped for when building this tool. It's a game-changer when you can grow while optimizing your processes, and hearing how it's upped your SEO game is fantastic.

I understand that learning curve, but your patience is clearly paying off! Thanks again for your kind words and for taking the time to leave this thoughtful review. It’s just me working behind the scenes, so it means a lot to know that the hard work is helping people like you. I’m here for anything you need as you continue to scale your SEO strategies.

All the best,
