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Edited Sep 16, 2024

My New Secret Weapon for SEO Content

Okay, I'll admit it. Like many, I've fallen down the rabbit hole of purchasing numerous LTDs and subscriptions in the AI content generation space! It's almost embarrassing how much I've been hyperfocused on this method 🤣! But AahSheet, with its unique blend of features, has truly blown me away (especially as a WordPress user).

I have only been testing the system briefly, but I'm truly impressed.


* You are not limited by some credit-based systems, like other content systems, that can limit your creativity and content - which is a killer if you use this in an agency system like mine. You just are limited by your AI provider budget! And the content EXCEEDS the quality of some of these credit-based systems. I am just saying!

* The content is "near perfect" for SEO-optimized output and for passing "AI Detection." Yes, I know that the last portion is a very nebulous subject, but no matter which "checker" I used, I was getting content that was considered 90+ percent human. AND the SEO scoring of the content and the structure ranked in the high 70s in RankMath for my site BEFORE ANY TWEAKING!

* Related to the above, the system does most of the heavy lifting for things like keyword research, SEO, content, and internal linking. Again, this saves me a ton of time, allowing me a faster "speed to market" for my content and my clients' content.


*THE SUPPORT & TRAINING! I hate to say that my previous "favorite" AI writer kept getting more cumbersome since the learning curve kept getting steeper with every iteration and upgrade, and I spent more time playing catch-up than generating quality content, quickly.

Even in the short time, I've been testing this, the rapid improvements and updates improve the experience, and you don't need to relearn things to keep things moving - and you can continue to use "older versions" even during the upgrade process, so you are not stuck having to re-do things just to get your content out there.

In addition, the AahSheet community on Facebook BLEW ME AWAY with the amount of help, input, and communication between the users.

Last but not least, the founder is BEYOND responsive, helpful, and willing to listen to the community when it comes to improvements and questions, and he responds impressively quickly.

AND HE IS VERY WILLING to integrate other LTDs in this space via their respective API interfaces, which REALLY adds value to these tools if you use them all. UNLIKE some other AI writer products out there!


I can't really say there are any "cons" other than you will need to take some time to sit down, watch the videos, and get familiar with the workflow—it takes about an hour—but the investment of time is well worth it.

The other is just cosmetic. The system runs in the "Google sheet environment," which, let's be honest, is not the most pretty environment when it comes to user interface experience.

NEITHER of these issues is a deal breaker; I'd rather have the ability to use AahSheet to generate unlimited SEO-optimized, "Humanized" content that RANKS in a Google sheet interface - than use a pretty interface with limited generation potential and less effective content (and I own some of them UGH!)

Frankly, I purchased this on a WHIM to see how it worked for a very niche client content site, and within a work day, I was cranking out some seriously powerful content - and I still have not gone COMPLETELY down the rabbit hole with other components of AahSheets.

Bottom line? This is a killer product for a killer price. You will kick yourself if you miss this!

Founder Team


Sep 16, 2024

I’m beyond thrilled that Aah Sheet has become your new "secret weapon" haha ... that was my plan this whole time! Excited to see it's making such a positive impact on your workflow so rapidly.

Agree that unlimited content generation without those restrictive credit systems has been a game-changer, especially for agency work. Knowing that the content quality holds its own against the competition and performs well in SEO scoring and AI detection is fantastic feedback! Been building that into the system since day 1.

I’m especially glad that the support and training stood out to you. My goal has always been to keep things simple and effective, without adding complexity with every upgrade. It’s great to hear you’ve been able to hit the ground running without any frustration, and that the community support on Facebook has also been valuable to you.

I totally understand the points about the Google Sheets environment not being the flashiest interface, but like you said, the power and flexibility far outweigh the cosmetics. And rest assured, I’m always working on improving the overall experience! But, we all win with Google Sheets if folks just slow down and take the time to learn.

Your kind words about my responsiveness and willingness to integrate other tools via API mean a lot to me. I really believe in making Aah Sheet as versatile and valuable as possible, and feedback from users like you is what drives those improvements. From day one I have leaned on users to guide where we are sailing.

I can’t wait to see what else you create as you dive deeper into the tool. Thank you again for the thoughtful review—it truly means a lot!

Best regards,
