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Member since: Apr 2024Deals bought: 11
1 stars
1 stars
Posted: Sep 10, 2024

Product bugged inside out, support so poor that it is the same as no support

I have purchased acadle to create an online course.
The product is not user friendly: to publish a course it is a "white button" on top of a "white background".
It is bugged.
I have made the course available to "all". Yet, when I log in as a test user, I do not see the course in my space.
I have contacted the technical support. They have been useless.
They have answered with basic one line prompts stating the obvious and not looking into the problem to solve it.
Their message did not even include a good by greeting.
I feel that they talk to me, their customer, as if I were their dog.
In a nutshell, this product is not user friendly, it is bugged inside out and not supported neither technically nor with customer respect.
