Q: French translation ?
I've already get the tool, and really like this !
I wanted to ask if the interface will be available in french.
One of my client wants to use the tool, but don't understand english at all
The tool would be so powerfull if it's all in french ;) I think that it could help me too because the chrome auto translation is so so awful :)
Another question : do you think wordpress integration is possible ?
Magic Ed, could you please help for Magic short blog ?
Have a nice day great team

Mar 7, 2025A: Hey dear already-a-cherished-user! Thanks for your questions or rather input. It's great to hear you like it so much. We have kept language elements already very minimal, so it should typically not get in the way, but I am happy to look into it, if it feels more seamless. Maybe you could drop me a message in our direct chat - so we could check in about it once working on it (if we do it, it shall feel good, of course). As of now, we might also add it to the whitelabel version. As I am speaking of it and you're mentioning clients - you might or might not have checked out the version with brand/client spaces and a super sleek release process to impress the heck out of clients... if you're interested in that, let us know, we're happy to put you on a 2 weeks trial there. :)
And about Wordpress / to blog... yeah, I admit we are having a flirt and discussion about it, so it is good to know you share that - it will definitely push it up the priority list. Love the Mägid Ed short blog idea! We'll keep you posted, of course, and maybe say hi again via the chat/email directly so we know whom to notify.
Great to have you there - sunny greets from Munich, Germany!
Kristin [Founder + Product Lead]