Run, don’t walk! Perfect for time poor solopreneurs!
I’m an author running multiple brands (pen names) and this app is absolutely perfect for creatives and solo entrepreneurs. Perfect.
- It is designed with a logical workflow in mind (draft, add image, add hashtags, refine caption, schedule/post)
- It integrates with Canva better than any other scheduler I’ve seen (and I’ve tried LOTS) with a way to directly batch download
- It works with TikTok and Pinterest as well as the usual suspects
- The AI post tool isn’t skeezy copybot sounding, it’s actually helpful.
- On this deal you can add multiple accounts
- They encourage a cohesive brand messaging (there’s a great visual tool to see all your posts in one place)
- You can have calendars based on whatever you want, not just per platform
- You can assign brand pillars
- The interface is easy to use
Honestly? There’s so much good here I am blown away.
I’ve tried Later, Buffer, SocialBee and more. AgileAssets does what they do, just better in my opinion.
If you’re a brand-focused entrepreneur, get it.

Nov 13, 2024Hi there, dear "bubbleteaauthor"!
Thanks a bunch 🙏 😊 for taking the time to leave a review and share your insights—and even more so for making it such a positive (of course, we love that) and substantial one.
All that you're mentioning here is what we have been working hard and diligently on—and it feels great to see that our decision, for example, regarding Canva to take a deeper but overall more helpful approach (meaning more time and effort invested), is seen and appreciated.
You might have guessed it already, but it might be good to know for others, too: The workflow stems from our own stress testing—originally from our 'normal' use cases as a 360° brand agency doing international social media for our clients. Of course, we are putting ourselves out there first to test and tweak diligently before we hand new additions over. Building your brand on social media should be easy and fun (again), and leave the mental space to allow for quality - that is what we strive for daily.
With that said, we wish you continued success with building your brand(s) - we look forward to being at your side with anything Ägile Assets-y! 🙌 ✨
Autumn greets from Munich, Germany
Kristin [Founder + Product Lead Ägile Ässets]