Solid Social Media Management App
Agile Assets does what they say it will. Integration with Canva is great and makes the creation of content super easy. Scheduling is easy and the drag and drop into the calendar makes planing a week or month super easy.
There is great video tutorials to help with just about every aspect of the app. And for people or agencies needing to do bulk content creation this app would be idea as the bulk element is solid.
The range of platforms supported by this app is ahead of the game compared to many other platforms.
Probably the most unique and interesting element is the brand check. The tool reviews the posts and checks that they are still 'on brand'. I imagine this would be an amazing tool when you have several people managing the social media content creation and scheduling.
There are a few things I am not in love with and the first is the hashtag generator. This seems to be in its infancy as the suggested hashtags are well off the mark and only single words. There isn't the option of crating your own saved lists which is a real shame as this would be a stellar element to add to this platform.
Overall, a very solid platform and works well for social media management in an omni-channel setting.

Dec 9, 2024Hi there dear agile User! (sorry, it doesn't show any name here),
thanks for taking the time to share your insights and experience with Ägile Ässets. It's great to see that elements we have invested a lot of time and effort in, come across this way. :)
Referring to the hashtag generator: It is actually pretty well tested and working fine for everyone, a feature that's a lot in use. I would have wished you'd checked in about this directly - I am convinced we could resolve that in the wink of an eye (I just noticed you wrote another message about that, so I guess that we can get this done together asap :)).
It's important to note that this feature links into an open-source tool that by itself reflects user behaviour and is Instagram-focused. The hashtag quality might differ simply because of what users use in combination, but overall, of course, it gives users a whole bunch of hashtags, even for a particular territory. You can also regenerate a combination for more than one topic and then customize (for example, leadership + marketing + travel might give you a special combination of 50 hashtags that I would then reduce to the ones that make sense). // Ref. the lists: Though it's generally not recommended to use the same list too often, I am happy to add that to our "myth vs. truth" research lists and, if helpful, add it to the shortlist of tweaks.
So, back to all the great stuff:
- we love that you love the smooth integration with Canva - we had the chance to collaborate with their team pretty directly, and this paid off :)
- the super easy drag and drop had always been very high on my own wishlist
- we love to hear that you find the video tutorials so helpful
- indeed, we have Professional agency work a lot on our minds when we build it (as in: if it keeps up with the highest complexity, it will also ease the less complex use cases effortlessly)
- and oh yes, how much we love to hear this here: "The range of platforms supported by this app is ahead of the game compared to many other platforms." For info: we got a pretty interesting shortlist here of next new additions and will keep you guys posted.
- I am super grateful you mention the brand check as being so special - this comes in from my perspective as a brand builder for startups and NGos at my agency.
All in all: Thank you again for the 5 taco review and for taking the time to add detail to it. We look forward to what you will build in the future on your social media for your brands
- snowy greets today from Munich, Germany
Kristin [Founder + Product Lead Ägile Ässets]