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Member since: Sep 2017Deals bought: 34
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Oct 14, 2023

Good first step but....

I just bought and used 3 codes for Airloupe. This is my experience:

In favour
1.- The basic idea is promising.
2.- The simplicity and presentation is very good, congratulations.

However, I think there are some basic things that are important and unresolved:
1.- The shop only works in the US, so it is a feature that can't be used in other countries and there is no information if it will be one day, just an intention.
2.- The galleries are accessible with any email, even fake. So security and privacy simply do not exist. In addition, we can not comply with privacy laws, as it is not secure.

And as suggestions for improvement
3.- I had understood that it integrated a proofing system, i.e. customers could make comments as well as mark the chosen images. This happens if they check their final selection, which is not obvious to them. They may just mark with a heart and leave the gallery. In that case the notification of the selection will not arrive. Their comments arrive by email, not on the platform. I like it, but maybe it would be nice if they could also stay in the gallery within the platform.
4.- Support is listed in the menu but does not work when clicked.
5.- Every time there is a visit it notifies by email. It can be useful, but it can also be a constant flow of emails, which prevent you from seeing the important one, the purchase order.
6.- Each access is registered as a new registration, even if it is the same email.

I will keep the codes for a few days in case the security and sales problems are solved.

Thank you.
