Q: Automating Lead Integration from Landing Page to CRM System


I wanted to ask about integrating the leads I gather through a landing page form directly into the CRM system. Is it possible to automate this process, so that every new lead is automatically added to the CRM? If so, could you share how we can set this up or what tools might be required?

Thank you for your help!

104562276402877438570Sep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

A: Hi, yes, of course! We have a feature for creating forms for your website. You just need to go to the builder (top button in the left menu) and create your custom form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the chat on the website or email our support at support@amwork.com.

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Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the response! I already have a custom form on my landing page, so I was wondering if it’s possible to integrate the data from this form into the CRM using a webhook or other integration methods. Could you guide me on how to set that up?

Looking forward to your feedback!