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Member since: Mar 2024Deals bought: 12
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Aug 7, 2024

Features not as advertized

Amwork says they have all of these features that work together, but they do not. The platform looks real preatty, but there is low functionality and the integrations suck. They also make you pay to use an outside communications platform outside of whatsapp & face book. I should not have to pay $5 amonth to use a pnone/text feature I already pay for on another platform. Amwork also says they have forms & a document builder, but those features are limited. They also say that you can build a wharehouse of products & services, but if you do not have physical prodects, it's hard to put together a wharehouse of product offerings.I am very disappointed with this platform.

Founder Team


Aug 8, 2024

Hi, thank you for the feedback! I'm sorry to hear that you are disappointed and had trouble with the settings. Everything advertised on the platform is available, but since it's a large platform with extensive functionality, it does take time to learn and configure. This can be done with the help of support or by using our implementation services.

The website forms have quite a bit of functionality (and are very tightly integrated into the platform). Regarding products, you can also create services without stock, which is supported. There are detailed reports for both services and products.

And yes, telephony functionality requires separate payment, as does WhatsApp integration. In general, applications for managing all processes are expensive, and the $59 lifetime access deal is truly a gift :)
