Q: Agency white label conversion or not?

Hi, if we already have 5 apps built on LVL5 and buy LVL 6 with Agency white label do we have to manage both the original offering with 2 of our 5, and also manage the white label site with the 3 WL apps? Or do we have to buy LVL7 to have everything on only the WL version? Is there a migration process or does it simply stay on your servers, flip a switch, and we manage our exiting site on a cname domain? Lastly, how long are you going to be on because I maight want to upgrade over a couple months if possible, like LVL5 goes to LVL 7 this month, LVL7 to LVL9 in October, LVL10 in November. Just saying it is a significant increase and will easily be the most expensive software Ive purchase here on Appsumo.

CLE2SDPLUSSep 18, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

A: Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out and taking an interest in AppMySite.

Apps build with tiers 1 to 5 are available in your AppMySite account’s Pay-per-app workspace. If you choose to go with any plan between Tier 6 to 10, you get an unlimited number of apps in your Pay-per-app workspace (similar to Tier 5), and a certain number of apps with your Agency white-label account.

These apps have to be managed separately. There is currently no provision to migrate your existing tier 5 apps to the Agency account.

Your branded app builder will be hosted on our server with the Agency white-label product. You need to set up a CNAME record for a subdomain.

Regarding the timeline of our deal, we don’t unfortunately have an exact date. Our deal should be available for the near future, but we cannot guarantee the exact date. You can keep checking our page to review the availability of our deal.

Please feel free to reach out for more questions.

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