Auto Gmail

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Edited Feb 13, 2025

Limited number of emails per day. Can this be true?

I tried Auto G-mail for a few days. The first emails were quite generic and had nothing to do with the content. However, it seems to learn quite quickly. But today I was annoyed when it told me that I "had reached my daily email limit." What nonsense is this? Whether I write 200 emails in one day or 200 in a month shouldn't make any difference. No, I'm a bit disappointed with the limitations of this product.
Edit: on top of this it now adds an image that cannot be removed with the text "Drafted with the assistance of Auto Gmail". Not cool.

Founder Team


Feb 13, 2025

Hey! This seems to be an error, only people on our free plan get this limit. Maybe you claimed your code with another email account?
As an Appsumo customer, you can write your 200 emails in a day or a month as you said!
Same for the "drafted by Auto Gmail" thing, that's only for users on the free plan who exceeded the daily limit and still want to use it.
Please email and we'll get this sorted!
