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Member since: Oct 2022Deals bought: 46
3 stars
3 stars
Edited Sep 20, 2024

Excellent - initial thoughts, but let down on the white-label small print

I’m writing this review just 24 hours after purchasing, so I may update it later. Even before buying, I had a feeling this product could be a great find, and after trying it out, I’m pleased to say it has exceeded my expectations in many ways. Tobias has clearly put a lot of thought into the design, making it very user-friendly and intuitive.

You may wonder why I gave 3-STAR and not 5-STAR. I will explain later.

As with many products launched on AppSumo, there is room for improvement. In my view, this product has real potential if Tobias continues to develop and add new features. One suggestion I’d love to see is the ability to have photos appear when you hover over each marker—this would be a fantastic addition.

I do have one important point, though, related to ethics. The main difference between the AppSumo plan and the other plans on his website is the number of credits, with the AppSumo plan offering a new set of credits each month. My hope is that, as new features are released, Tobias will ensure they are included in the AppSumo plan as well. Long-term users on this platform will know that some product owners can be less than ethical in this regard, rolling out new features but excluding lifetime licence holders, which can make the product feel redundant over time. I trust that won’t be the case here.

Lastly, this should have easily got a 5-star not a 3-star (or Tacos). However, I purchased the commercial license, as was keen to purchase the logo removal option for $129. Although this was a lot higher than normal on appsumo and not the normal route of most appsumo deals, I was willing to pay the price. When I went to purchase the white-label option after purchasing the commercial license option, I was blown away like being punched in the stomach, it wasn't $129 for white label. It was $129 you pay to remove logo or white-label on each video. I wish this was made very clear from the beginning. I wouldn't have been so frustrated if I was aware of it.

Anyway, I am extremely dissapointed by this last part. Otherwise, I am trying to be fair and unbiased and it seems like a good product as long as appsumo users don't get left out of updates. Thanks.

Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

Thanks a lot for your review, Sye. I appreciate your honest feedback and your support for AvoMap.

AvoMap is a small, self-funded startup that has just launched, and your support means a great deal to me. This project was born from my passion for traveling and my wish to share those adventures with friends and family.
I know there’s still a lot of work to do—there are features to build, bugs to fix, and adjustments to make. Your feedback is invaluable in helping me improve everything. I’m committed to making AvoMap better, and I appreciate your input along the way.

I’ll keep you updated on new features and pricing changes as they come. Thank you for being a part of AvoMap's adventure!
