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Member since: May 2021Deals bought: 483
2 stars
2 stars
Posted: Sep 20, 2024

Read the fine print

Although it has a few small bugs, this is a nice product with an easily understandable UI and it ends up with usable content you can use that saves time.
Nevertheless, I'm not sure you want to wade in in its current iteration.
#1 YOU HAVE TO PAY EXTRA FOR COMMERCIAL RIGHTS. - I'm not sure what it is now, but someone was quoted $49 recently in the chat. You need commercial rights for many things including making any You Tube videos.
#2 YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR WHITE LABELING - I'm not sure if it's $129 for a general white labeling license or $129 per video, but when all is said and done that $49 dollar purchase for the App quickly rises to $229 if you have any kind of work to do.
Moreover, what will he charge for next if this his MO?
#3 5 Videos limit a month is already rather paltry, but the upselling to get the rights to actually use those 5 videos a month, and the confusion relating to charging to White label each video is on my blacklist of Upsell schemes on AS

Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

Thanks a lot for your honest review, trescode.
I appreciate your feedback on AvoMap and for giving it a try. As you correctly pointed out, this is just one iteration of many. AvoMap is a passion project that emerged from my personal desire to use it, and there are still many adjustments and new features to come in the future.

I’ll keep you updated about new features and any changes to pricing as they come. Thank you for being a part of AvoMap's adventure!
