Q: So many problems by other users

I've been following this because I do need a plugin for my sites. However, as I expected, there are so many problems by users - just check the reviews.

I'm assuming this will continue to go on and there will be more and more problems before this plugin becomes more stable?

jonathanjonPLUSSep 5, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Hey there,

A common trend I’ve noticed in the negative reviews is that none of those customers reached out to our support team. They tried resolving issues on their own and refunded the product but that’s not what a genuine customer would do. If I purchase a product and it doesn’t work as expected, the first thing I would do is contact support. It seems these customers were just testing the product with no actual intention of using it. All the problems they mentioned could have been addressed within 5 to 30 minutes but unfortunately, they were not genuine customers.

I'd like to mention NitroPack here. We consider NitroPack as our only real competitor, other optimization plugins don’t pose the same level of competition. NitroPack also has optimization modes similar to BerqWP. Their fourth optimization mode works very similarly to our aggressive optimization mode but it sometimes breaks website's functionality, which is why they offer custom integration when issues arise. So a large product like NitroPack also deals with these challenges, but it doesn't mean the product is buggy. It’s just that some plugins aren’t fully compatible with JavaScript optimizations and custom integrations are necessary to resolve these issues.

Since BerqWP doesn’t modify any original website files as soon as you deactivate the plugin, your website will return to its normal state.

Most of our customers are enjoying 90+ mobile and desktop scores without any issues. Currently BerqWP is optimizing over 1000 websites. I hope this helps.

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Posted: Sep 11, 2024


Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 12, 2024

genuine customers? regardless whoever buys your product is a customer, their experience using the tool greatly outweighs support given. Its a slap in the face to say customers are not genuine, when you dont know what their experience is with your tool, and why they are negative in their reviews.

Posted: Sep 12, 2024

I'm sorry but I think, as a customer you hold some responsibility for your public statements, as they influence others' opinions. A genuinely interested customer wouldn’t harm a product's reputation without utilizing support. This suggests either a deliberate attempt to damage the product reputation or that the customer wasn’t the right fit.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

Hamza most negative reviews say similar things around issues where the plugin is damaging the site, people are being honest with their reviews here, if you dont like it why did you ask appsumo to delete your previous listing that also had negative reviews?? its because you wanted to get rid of the negative reviews. Customers make or break a business, listen to them and fix your product.

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

We received some negative reviews, but we worked on the feedback. Most reviews were great, and we’ve since improved our product, so we needed a fresh start. While people were being honest, the issues they mentioned could have been resolved in 10 to 15 minutes with proper communication.

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

Suppose I buy a car and the tire goes flat. Should I damage the car company's reputation, or seek help from a mechanic? It's honest to say the tire went flat, but does that mean the car is bad? That's exactly what's happening here. I hope this clarifies things. Honesty doesn't always mean fairness.

Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

Yes the reviews may not seem fair to you but, its based on customer experiences. People using Appsumo expect products to be working and not have issues or be broken, as a customer or business owner with limited time after having a negative experience, most will likely not contact support and just go for the refund because they expect products to work and dont have the patience to wait on support.

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Verified purchaser

Posted: Sep 13, 2024

Hamza, I get your car analogy, but If a new car has recurring issues like flat tires or engine stalls, multiple customers would naturally complain. They expect reliable cars from the start, not ones needing immediate repairs. Ignoring negative reviews alienates potential loyal customers. It’s about ensuring the product works smoothly from day one, just like a car should.

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

Yeah you could say that but that’s not really the case here. We’ve drastically improved our product and you encountered a single issue, but instead of reporting or confirming it, you assumed the worst. Also I noticed you mentioned something about the CDN in your review and claimed we discussed it but that conversation never actually took place. Are you using translation software?

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

Multiple customers followed a similar pattern, some didn’t read the starter guide and others didn’t report the issue which led to the same negative experience. In case you didn’t know, this happens with Nitropack as well. That’s why they offer custom integration where their team makes adjustments to the website to resolve issues.

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

I wonder if you had put a fraction of the effort into communicating as you did here; it's unfortunate.
Not every product suits everyone. Not every WP Rocket customer is a fan of WP Rocket and the same goes for NitroPack and other products. It largely depends on individual preferences. Please feel free to reach out via email at support@berqwp.com as this is not a forum as per AppSumo's guidelines.

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