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Member since: Oct 2019Deals bought: 63
5 stars
5 stars
Edited Sep 16, 2024

Delivers what it promises

In my case it has worked.
In my website I have replaced WP Rocket + Imagify + other plugins from the WordPress optimization team and it has significantly improved the score (especially on mobile devices) in all meters, except in Pingdom, where it is still below 70.
I had also tried other optimization plugins such as Perfmatters and Asset CleanUP and the result was far below.
Best of all, I didn't have to do anything more than choose in the slider the optimization grade I preferred.
The plugin took care of all the settings automatically.
What I miss is a direct option in the admin menu to clean the cache, without having to go through the dashboard and there look for the cache clean button.
So far very satisfied with the purchase. I hope they continue like this.
