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Member since: Oct 2019Deals bought: 139
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Posted: Sep 10, 2024

I wanted to be a believer BUT... it's not ready for prime time!

I bought BerqWP very early on in the deal and didn't have some of the experiences that others complained about, but it happened to me—so it may happen to you, too.

In sepearate instances (one required me to do a complete restore of our website) our website content did not display as designed, some sections where completely missing or empty and showed no content and others had garbage data and characters.

As many of you, to have this happen on a production customer facing website very frustrating.

I tried their support (two separate tickets). But their suggestion to upgrade to their latest version (I did this twice by the way) did not work for me -- at at least, worked for a little bit then (I assume after the cache was compelted) stopped working.

In any case, I could go on, but you get the jist -- this app is not ready for prime time! Avoid the headache and potential lost customers.

Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024

Hey there,

I reviewed your ticket and checked your website as well. It appears that your hosting provider has caching enabled but in our "Get Started with BerqWP" guide, we've clearly mentioned that you need to disable hosting cache and other optimization plugins in order to use BerqWP. Otherwise it can cause unexpected results like the ones you're experiencing. There was no need to restore your website because BerqWP doesn’t modify any of your original website files. All that was needed was to disable the hosting cache. We’ve mentioned this starter guide across our website, the plugin settings page, and the BerqWP account dashboard, so it's there for a reason.
