Q: Not refundable?
Congrats on your epic body of tutorial work.
I have watched several of your YouTube videos and you have a great delivery of content and a congenial style.
I would likely purchase at the $275, but I am curious as to why this is a "not-refundable" deal on AppSumo?

Feb 3, 2025A: It's been that way since the deal debuted. It was a new thing before the "marketplace" even existed as it does now. It was called "sumo-ling spotlight". I was selling tutorials but also focusing on templates as well. They made it non-refundable to prevent people from getting templates and cancelling within 60 days. Now even more I have tools built inside of google sheets that are like templates: OnlySheets, Wikipedia Tracker, Atomic Sheets, etc.
You get access to these immediately.
where as most of the time when you buy on appsumo you're getting access to a SaaS that can be turned off upon refund.
Since then the offering has enhanced. I include every sheet along with every tutorial in Better Sheets too.
and there is no mystery to what you're getting. I'm offering more of the same of the tutorials you see on YouTube. Mostly people want to buy the lifetime deal for the products I sell, but also because they just want to get the sheets and code that I showcase in the videos.