Better Sheets

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Member since: Dec 2022Deals bought: 80
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Posted: Jun 14, 2023

Not suitable for non-English speakers

I'm redoing my comment since AppSumo didn't validate the previous one. I draw the attention of potential foreign buyers to the fact that there is no translation of the video subtitles. This makes it very difficult to learn code by following the tutorials. I'd also say check the conditions carefully (I can't say more on this subject, otherwise, once again, this comment won't be validated). I would have liked to have been warned that the videos had no translations. In 2023, there are many platforms with automatic translations. This is not the case here. In my case, it's an unnecessary purchase. Foreign customers, if you don't speak English, don't bother.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Please just ask for a refund. From myself and AppSumo. There's no reason you should be forced to pay for something you cannot use. AppSumo has added their emails in here. Here's mine: I don't hide it. You can email me anytime. There is no reason for me to hold your payment hostage. You should 100% be spending money on a course in French.

Unfortunately it's not as simple for me to just add translations in French. I make no claims to be in French. The entire site is only available in English. One huge reason for that beyond the language itself is that Google Sheets is localized. IF I were to just add french translations then you copy/paste my formulas and sheets into your Google Sheets then they won't work. For example the delimiter between arguments in a formula will be commas for me and semi-colons for you.

I have listed every single Locale available in Google Sheets here. and have shared what different formats they use.

I did this because many Better Sheets members were asking about their own problems copy/pasting the formulas into their sheets. I make no guarantees for other locale's usage, but I have tried to make it easier for those who do want my videos, to use the formulas as easily as possible. That sheet I linked to even has a converter so you can convert formulas from one country to another.

Please make sure to contact AppSumo and myself, we'll get you that refund.
