Q: Could I send data from a Post (CPT) to a custom API when it is created and/or saved?
I have a Wordpress Real Estate website with a Custom Post Type called "property," which includes standard WordPress data (title, content, etc.) and some custom fields (I use Advanced Custom Fields—simple text and number fields).
I would like to know if Bit Integrations allows sending data to an external custom API endpoint in the following cases:
-When a new property is published
-When an existing property is updated
The data I need to send includes:
-Custom fields (Advanced Custom Fields)
Thank you for your question; we appreciate it!
Currently, ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support is not available in the post trigger feature. However, our development team is actively working on this, and we hope to provide this functionality in our Bit Integrations plugin as soon as possible.
Thank you for the answer.
Is there an ETA or a roadmap?
And does Bit Integrations currently support any other types of custom fields?
Jet Engine, Metabox or something similar
Or natively with standard WordPress custom fields.
Thank you for your question. I hope you're doing well.Currently, Bit Integrations supports Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and MetaBox, but only in relation to our WooCommerce trigger and action, as well as post creation actions. We are working on expanding the integration to include ACF and MetaBox as triggers for post creation soon.
As for an ETA or roadmap for upcoming features, we do not have a specific timeline at this moment, but we appreciate your interest and will keep you updated on our progress.If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.