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Q: Please add Divi form Builder by Divi Engine

+1000 Please add Divi form Builder by Divi Engine

XhanSep 5, 2024
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Posted: Sep 14, 2024

Currently, Bit Integrations doesn't have a trigger for Divi Form Builder by Divi Engine. However, Bit Integrations does support integration with the default Divi Contact Form.

We have forwarded your request to the development team, and they will consider adding support for Divi Form Builder in the future.

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

In the meantime, there is a workaround using an "Action Hook" trigger. Here are the steps to achieve this:

1. Select "Action Hook" as the trigger.
2. Choose "Custom" from the "Hook" dropdown.
3. Add the hook for Divi Form Builder, which is "df_before_process".
4. Click on the "Fetch" button.
5. Open your Divi Form Builder form and submit it.

Posted: Sep 14, 2024

6. The fetched data will include details like 0 (cnt-1), 1 (Object), 2 (contact). Here, "cnt-1" refers to the form ID.
7. Add a unique key corresponding to the form’s ID (cnt-1).
8. Select the form field under 1 (Object) and choose the required fields.
9. Proceed to the Action page and set up the action as needed.