Q: A Few More Questions
1) when setting up keywords are we able to use exact match? For example if we want mentions of a exact phrase as opposed to the article or post containing one or more words from the keyword. This feature will help users from wasting mentions and being able to narrow in and laser target keywords or keyword phrases.
2) When connecting our Linkedin account..............is your platform pulling in mentions from newletter articles throughout linkedin and/or from regular posts?
3) when using team members...........when they access the paltform, and reply to posts on certain sites, will it be based on their social accounts or on my social accounts ????
4) many of your users like myself may need to only create a specific keyword for a specific social channel rather than all of them. Is this feature available?

Mar 5, 2025A: Hi!
1. Yes, currently all our mentions are exact-match searches only.
2. Users do not have to connect their linkedin accounts to Bizreply, we fundamentally bring linkedin posts but optimizing more data scraping.
3. As mentioned users do not need to connect their social media accounts, so it won't be a problem.
4. Yes definitely, you can choose which social medias you want to scrape from rather than all of them!
Hope this helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any other queries! 🚀

Verified purchaser
Follow Up Question........So you mean that we can choose or select for a specific keyword to be connected to a specific social media platform???

Verified purchaser
Yeap (btw you don't need connect any accounts)