BlinkCompose Questions

Showing 1 - 18 of 18 questions

Q: How is this different to using Chatgpt?

How is this different to using chatgpt that gives the same output for email type I mention?

Why is this tool so expensive; if it just using AI to create email content, which most people can create using chatgpt and other free tools

WonkaPLUSMar 8, 2025
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Edited Mar 8, 2025

A: Hey Wonka, great question.

I completely understand why it might seem like BlinkCompose is just using AI to generate emails - after all, you can open ChatGPT right now, type in a prompt, and get an email written for free.

But here’s the real problem no one talks about.

How do you know if that email will actually work?

If you’re not an experienced copywriter, how do you know if what ChatGPT...


Q: Whitelabel consideration

Are you considering adding whitelabel for the top tier? Send of that the sub-accounts have to log in at Blink Compose. Why wouldn't they just subscribe directly at that point? Sort of handicaps any agency thinking about using this with clients.

Just-SPLUSMar 7, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 7, 2025

A: Hi,

We’re definitely going to do this at some point. We’ve talked about it among the team, but it’s not a priority now.

Our focus is making the core function, which is email writing (both automated campaigns and newsletters (coming soon)) as fun and seamless as possible.

Once that is achieved (of course, leveraging feedback from users), then other features like white label will come in. See...


Q: Will there be AI detection added?

Hey team, this looks cool, but worried it’ll start to get flagged as AI (and spam) as/if ESPs crackdown on purely AI generated content…any thing coming to “humanify” content, subject lines, etc.? How about a built in AI checker, even if it uses a 3rd party for now?

princeshayPLUSMar 6, 2025
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Mar 6, 2025

A: Great suggestion Princeshay.

We try our best to make it avoid some of the obvious AI content triggers. But integrating a third party detector sounds like a good idea.

We’ll discuss this among the team and add it to our roadmap.

Thanks for this wonderful feedback.


Q: 1 word = 1 credit?

If one my email series going to have 100,000 words, then I need to wait for a whole month before the credits renew?

SomeonePLUSMar 6, 2025
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Founder Team


Mar 6, 2025

A: Hi,

Like I answered someone earlier, we are going to implement a credit refill feature so you don’t have to wait till month end for the credits to renew.

This should solve that issue.
Thanks for the feedback, it’s super valuable.


Q: Credits limitation warning

hi guys,
i just tried your tool and the credits are really too low.
i created 3 sequences of 5 emails and it burned 15k credits on the 40k offered per month. o it means that if i have a 10 brands, i will need 50k creadits to write only 5 emails per brand... overpassed already..

actually the tool is too poor in terms of credits and in terms of functionallity... you can do all of this with a simple prompt found on google and copy/paste it to the autoresponder.. as we have to do now also with your tool. so baiscally, your tool is a render of API resquests to chatgpt. I dont see where to pay 150usd or 500usd to put my BYOK is valuable for me or my agency.

SO maybe i am wrong, but could you really provide a detail of what justifies your price actually VS waht i said before that you can have for free?

MarkZuckerbergMar 6, 2025
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Mar 6, 2025

A: Hey MarkZuckerberg (love having the great Mark here 😆),

Can you Google prompts and use ChatGPT to write emails for free?


Will those emails be as good as what BlinkCompose produces?

Not even close.

Yes, BlinkCompose runs on the same AI engine as ChatGPT. And if you’re an experienced email copywriter who knows exactly how to prompt for conversion-focused emails, then go for it...
