Q: 1 word = 1 credit?
If one my email series going to have 100,000 words, then I need to wait for a whole month before the credits renew?

Mar 6, 2025A: Hi,
Like I answered someone earlier, we are going to implement a credit refill feature so you don’t have to wait till month end for the credits to renew.
This should solve that issue.
Thanks for the feedback, it’s super valuable.
yes , i just tried your tool and the credits are really too low.
i created 3 sequences of 5 emails and it burned 15k credits on the 40k offered per month. o it means that if i have a 10 brands, i will need 50k creadits to write only 5 emails per brand... overpassed already..
actually the tool is too poor in terms of credits and in terms of functionallity...
you can do all of this with a simple prompt found on google and copy/paste it to the autoresponder.. as we have to do now also with your tool. so baiscally, your tool is a render of API resquests to chatgpt. I dont see where to pay 150usd or 500usd to put my BYOK is valuable for me or my agency.
I think I’ve answered this in the other more detailed questions you asked, right?
SO maybe i am wrong, but could you really provide a detail of what justifies your price actually VS waht i said before that you can have for free?