Q: Why can I only see 100 keywords in brand keywords if the site has many more?

Nov 9, 2024A: Hello,
Thank you for your question! At Branalyzer, we prioritize response relevance over quantity, which is why the top 100 keywords are shown—these are the most relevant and impactful for each brand. We believe this approach provides users with high-quality, actionable insights without overwhelming them with less relevant data.
For further feedback, suggestions, or ideas, please feel free to add them to our roadmap at https://branalyzer.com/roadmap. If you know of other tools that provide the functionality you’re looking for, please let us know, as we’d love to evaluate these examples.
Additionally, you’re welcome to share the roadmap link with any business contacts who may also be interested in voting for new features. We take user votes into account as we develop and refine Branalyzer.
Thanks again for your input!
Best regards,
The Branalyzer Team