Q: Password list
I also have a question. I am a web designer. This tool seems very useful to me. But I wonder if there is also a password protected area for the participants / users, where you can set e-mail data with password, imap configurations and more. I know you can be asked for a password at the beginning. But how is it in the area where other sensitive data is requested? Is it possible to request a 2-step authentication?

Mar 7, 2025A: Hello, thank you for your question! Hopefully I can answer what you're asking accurately.
If I am understanding correctly, you are concerned about other users having access to sensitive data like people's email addresses? If so, then I can mention that when you invite a user, unless you allow the permission for them to "add users" (screenshot here: https://d.pr/i/CeUDOF) then they would not see the Team area and would not see the email addresses of others invited into your account.
2FA is something we would consider adding in the future if there is enough support for it on our roadmap: https://www.brandbay.io/roadmap
And regarding IMAP configurations in the whitelabel version of the platform we do allow you to send emails from your own custom domain.
Please let us know if this helps, and if any additional clarity is needed please feel free to reach out to us directly at support@ brand bay . io

Thanks for the quick response. I think I formulated my question incorrectly. With your tool, I can add logos, fonts, and other images, links and other notes. But I would like to add a custom field like “Your Imap settings for your server”, or “Your access data”, or “Your contracts (with PDF upload option)”.
I hope I could explain it better