Q: There is branding in the email on my Agency Plan
There is branding in the email on my Agency Plan - is that supposed to be there. I LOVE this app, now please give us CNAME to help with email deliverability. Thanks.
I received an email today, where you wrote that breezedoc has "No Branding/whirtlabel for Agency Plan customers". I only can change the Logo, but the Domain of the document and the email are still from BreezedDoc?? When will the Update be live?
I changed the language to German, but when I want to send the document, the standard text in the email is still english?
Q: There is branding in the email on my Agency Plan
There is branding in the email on my Agency Plan - is that supposed to be there. I LOVE this app, now please give us CNAME to help with email deliverability. Thanks.
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Q: Is something wrong with the platform today?
My documents are coming back with no information on them.
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Q: Does it have Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA)?
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Q: Do the signed documents have legal value binding all over the world?
GDPR, HIPAA and other standards.
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Q: German translation
I received an email today, where you wrote that breezedoc has "No Branding/whirtlabel for Agency Plan customers". I only can change the Logo, but the Domain of the document and the email are still from BreezedDoc?? When will the Update be live?
I changed the language to German, but when I want to send the document, the standard text in the email is still english?
Looking forward for your replies.
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