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Verified purchaser

Member since: Oct 2018Deals bought: 51
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Jan 27, 2025

Almost there, with some "buts"...

I loveddddd it. But as a veteran blog designer and a content creator, I need to address some issues and features.

1. Need more blog themes/layouts (at least 5)
2. I am a writing focused content creator, so I need Featured Image and TOC off
3. Need typography customizations built in (without relying to custom CSS)
4. TOC customizations (on aside or Notion-like dash lines)
5. Logo for both light mode and dark mode
6. There is "Do_not_index" but I also need "Hide_from_site" (accessible by URL or google search)
7. Schema markup (important)
8. Gated blog (like a user needs to pay and login to see member-only blogs)
9. No custom URL option (currently URLs are picked from the headline as it is)
10. No language setting for SEO (it automatically shoes en but my blog lang is bn)
11. Custom font upload.

I really wanted to give it 5 tacos as like others. But some points are very critical like 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. I am holding that 1 star for these critical points only.

Make these happen and I will update it to 5 tacos.
