Problems with text formatting
I don't know what the reason is but, although when inserting the different fields to fill in I select the same font and size, it does not work at all, and some fields appear with the-larger texts and others with smaller (even ridiclly small) texts. There is no way to match them.
I have spent many hours trying to make the forms look professional but I have had to give up. Impossible.
I reported this problem over a year ago and they have not fixed it. Regrettable.
I am very sorry but I am looking for another application that will allow me to do my contracts in a normal way.

Edited Feb 9, 2025Hi,
We are pleased to announce the release of a new feature that addresses this issue. We have introduced functionality that allows users to enable or disable text auto-resizing. You can now configure this setting from the field options—choose whether the system should automatically resize the font if the signer enters more text or keep the font size fixed, restricting additional input if it exceeds the field limit. This functionality is supported for both text and masked fields and will also resolve your font resizing issue.
Please feel free to reach out to us at if you have any further questions.
Kind Regards,
The BunnyDoc Team