It's just "Meh" for me..
I needed to build a site for our annual fundraising event that is separate from our main site. Our main site is a Wordpress site, but I just needed something quick and easy. I wanted to build something that is elegant and nice without the overhead of Wordpress since this is essentially a "seasonal" site.
So the AI generator is "so-so" at best. The 1st site generated was ugly and would have required a LOT of work to get it where I needed, so I decided to refine my site description to see if the tool could generate a better result. The site description limits you to 300 characters which in my opinion is not enough characters to write an adequate description for the AI generator and there is no way to provide the AI generator with more details to refine the look/feel/content.
After modifying the description the tool generated a SLIGHTLY better version of the site, but it too was going to need lots of modification. But since I know HTML, it wasn't going to be a lot of work. Sadly the editor tools are seriously lacking. It's ALL WYSIWYG and NO way to edit the HTML source. I am also seeing little to no means to edit height, margins or padding of the content sections. I can probably get what I want out of this tool EVENTUALLY, but it will be a long ugly struggle to get there. It's a little more "plug and pray" than "plug and play" for me.
Haven't decided if I will look for another tool yet. I have reached out to support. Hopefully this will be an easy resolution, but so far this tool is just a "meh" for me. I am happy to amend this review if it turns out I am wrong.

Feb 6, 2025Hi User, we hear you and received your email as well. We have sent out some video tutorials and also a link to schedule a call to help you sort the issues. Please have a look and let me know your thoughts.