Q: How does claiming shifts work? Chinese?
Hello Camelo team,
We do volunteer work for cruise ships coming to port, so our times and days vary weekly and seasonally. Would we be able to create shifts by the hour that are open for up to 4 volunteers to claim? If someone can't come, they can offer their spot on the shift for someone else to claim? Also, do you have Traditional Chinese? Thank you for your help.

Feb 20, 2025A: Hello,
Our app is a great fit for your needs! You can create open shifts that volunteers can claim. You also have the option to restrict who can claim a shift or enable approval requirements, ensuring that each claim request is reviewed and approved by you before assignment.
If an assigned volunteer can’t work a shift, they can either offer it to other team members or swap it with another shift. Both swap and offer requests will require your approval.
You can learn more about open shifts and shift trading here:
- https://help.camelohq.com/articles/guide/scheduling/open-shifts/
- https://help.camelohq.com/articles/guide/scheduling/time-off-shift-requests/swap-shifts-and-offer-shifts/
By the way, did you request support for the Traditional Chinese language on the mobile app or web?
Thanks? What is a user? If we have 105 volunteers and growing, which plan would we need?
In Camelo, a "user" or "member" refers to anyone within a workspace, including the owner, who is counted as one member. In your case, each volunteer counts as a member, and so do you.
For a team of 105 volunteers, please purchase 4 AppSumo codes to cover 50 volunteers. Then, email us at hello@camelohq.com, and we’ll help you stack additional codes to cover all 105 volunteers.