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Q: 1) One credit is one icon generation?

Can .ico file be created with different resolutions?

If question 2 is not possible, is there any chance you might add this in your process?
For example, run imagemagick on your server, imagemagick can generate images, so when the image is generated through AI then imagemagick (or something similar) could create a .ico file with different resolutions without having to use the AI service. You just have to set it up on your server. Off course the user could do it but as an service to the user (and convenience) having an .ico ready would be really nice.

Could you consider the following:
Use the leftover credits of each month to auto-generate different icons and put those for download for all subscribed users. Those icons could then serve as an sort reserve icon repository open for all subscribed users. This gives more bang for bucks and it always stays withing the processing quota (you use the UNUSED credits of the users at the end of the month). Within a short time you could create a gigantic library. It also can become an extra incentive for new users to get an subscription. You don't have to use all credits in the beginning, you could begin with 20% of it and see how it effects the service and increase as the months go by.

r0nMay 20, 2024
Founder Team


May 20, 2024

A: Hi r0n!

1)Yes, one credit is one icon generation.

2) No unfortunately, .ico file cannot be created in a different resolution with the Favicon tool (only 48x48).

3)Thank you for the suggestion, this is a very interesting one! Our team will discuss and consider this but I can’t make any promises at this point.

4) We don’t really have any ‘leftover’ credits (the AI API is pay-as-you-go). While this idea certainly sounds nice, if we had credits left over we would allow them to roll over to next month for our users. Unfortunately, this is not feasible.

Hope this answers your questions, please let me know if you have more!

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Posted: May 31, 2024

Hi Paul you might want too check the counter I created 5 icons and maxed out my 40 credits