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Q: Is there no one month storage for the 40 icons that are generated and not canceled?

I cannot find where to dig up my "just now made" icons to see if any of them were the right ones. Like I think I lost my very first generation. Can I did it up somehow? If not, will you be implementing that feature soon and if so, for a month or longer storage online?

P2PLUSMay 23, 2024
Founder Team


May 23, 2024

A: Hey again P2! We're in the final implementation stages of an icon gallery, which will be made live by the end of this month. There, you will be able to see all the icons you have created since the beginning (it won't be limited to latest icons only). Until you get this feature in a few days, you can access your icons through the email links that were sent to you after each generation (please check your inbox). Hope this helps, let me know if you have additional questions!

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Posted: Jul 13, 2024

Hello, is it possible to see your latest creation on the dashboard? We’re in July now

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