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Q: Does the platform have investors for post secondary vocational schools?

HiredInMichigan.orgPLUSJun 15, 2024
Founder Team


Jun 28, 2024

A: If you are a nonprofit, please get in touch with me directly at We give nonprofits free access.

While our platform is made for startups specifically, we have had several nonprofits successfully fundraise from angel investors found on

Please let me know, and have a fantastic day!

- Ralph

PS: We are working on a separate tool for nonprofits, so stay tuned for that as well!

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Posted: Jul 4, 2024

I emailed you no reply

Posted: Jul 7, 2024

Our team is currently out of the office for the week of Independence Day. Someone will get back to you early next week with credentials to your free account. Thank you!