Certyfile-Blockchain Certification

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Q: Im looking for a solution providing blockchain cert to people who completed an online learning course

Can this be done? Please explain the process, as I am a bit new to blockchain. Secondly, in the above case, is your service similar to blockcerts.org? Thirdly, can I show those who completed the course a form of digital cert that shows it is a blockchain cert (e.g. PDF, PNG, etc)? Thanks

ErozeninSep 4, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 17, 2024

A: Hi! Sorry foe delay...

Yes, it can be done. And the BEST: you don't have to know anything about blockchain, as Certyfile already includes a module for certifying online courses or other types of training. Also Certyfile includes a verifier (similar to blockcerts.org). And yes, Certyfile includes a digital cert (PDF) that shows it is a blockchain cert.

We hope you buy Certyfile! By!

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