Q: Long time user of Tawk To, which has a feature that I haven't found in any competitor: it immediately ...
notifies me when a visitor enters the website (with sound and with a notification on the mobile app). Charla also doesn't do this and it's a deal breaker for me.
The notification also happens when integrated with anychat.one (an AppSumo LTD). Can Charla be integrated in AnyChat?
Any plans regarding voice/video chats?
Are you Spanish? Where are you located?

Jul 30, 2024A: Hi Leandro, Do you mean sending a notification each time the visitor enters the website, even if he didn't initiate any discussions? I think it wouldn't be an ideal experience for the agent, as he will be bombarded with notifications if you have traffic on your website. Charla do however sends you a notification whenever the visitor sends a message, on the agent dashboard and mobile apps. No plans currently for voice or video. We are a US company, and our team is spread across the world.
Hi Yehia, thank you for your reply (didn't get the notification).
Yes, that's exactly what I mean. It's the equivalent of the little bell on the door that goes off when a customer enters the shop. It can be annoying but I do like it and there's always the option to disable it.
Thank you.
Oh yeah, that's a dealbreaker for me too. I like to watch my bot in realtime chat and jump-in when needed.

Verified purchaser
A little ding is a good idea, can easily turn it off, gives a good ego boost when you hear multiple dings in a row.
yup we have prioritize it

Verified purchaser
same here, will buy a few if this has a date on the roadmap
Is there a date on this? I found tawk.to after buying this, and am now considering refunding. I want the door bell!