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Member since: Oct 2011Deals bought: 91
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 11, 2024

So far so good!

I've been looking for/wanting a similar support app to HelpScout for years now and this looks like it could be it! Really liking everything so far and functionality wise no issues yet. It's smooth, fast and looks good too. I've got the widget installed on our site and tested a few conversations and everything is working nicely. I love the ticket feature, especially since you can port in external requests just by sending to the email uniquely created for you. Would be nice to have the ability to create tickets from chat, and would love to see the ability for more advanced chatflows, for example conditional flows would be sweet where based off a choice selection I can then present new options. It sounds like an AI approach to this is on it's way so we'll see, maybe that will take care of chatflows. I do think it would still be nice to be able to build more advanced custom flows though... Overall though, really happy so far. Will update if anything changes.

Founder Team


Sep 20, 2024

Thanks a lot Appreciated
