ChatPlayground AI

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Q: Started testing and got a few questions

What attracted me the most to the tool is having a copilot in a sidebar with all my complex prompts easily accessible. I'm using Chrome on Windows and I'm bumping my head at the moment.
1. I'm probably doing something wrong but I couldn't find any documentation. Just the sample video with very quick demo with different interface. When I click on any prompt, instead of filling it with the content of the prompt, I just get the name of it. So, I'm stuck.
2. I'm planning to organize around 100 complex prompts in different categories which in current interface probably wouldn't be possible, especially if I start adding longer titles for them. It's a big deal for me as I simply want easy access to my prompt libraries but the way it is now probably won't work for my use case.
3. Minor thing but I couldn't find how to switch to dark mode.

UldisBizPLUSSep 20, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 21, 2024

A: Hey there! 👋

Thanks for giving ChatPlayground a try and sharing your feedback. Let me address your questions:

1. Oops, that sounds like a bug! We'll look into it ASAP. For now, try copying the prompt text manually.

2. You're right, our current interface isn't ideal for large prompt libraries. We're working on improving organization options. Stay tuned for updates!

3. Dark mode is coming soon! We know it's a popular request.

We're constantly improving based on user feedback. Thanks for helping us make ChatPlayground better!

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