ChatScribe Pro

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Q: Why hasn't the service been available for 2 months?

Why haven't the transcription limits been updated in 2 months? It doesn't look like the service is improving. It looks like your service is not providing the paid service. You are not responding to emails. I am wondering where my 600 monthly transcription minutes are. They have not been updated in Dashboard for 2 months. When will the limits in my account be updated?

N.A.KSep 14, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Hello N.A.K,
Could you please share your email to
Unfortunately, both unmixr ai and chatscribe pro have this credit issue. We fixed it but doing some data patch for unmixr ai this week. Then we will do the same for chatscribe pro.
Regarding updates, we have implemented AI Chatbot, Doc Translation, GPT translation and enhanced the doc chat, transcription and collection chat features.
Working on some pricing issue. Hope to release by the next week.

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