ChatScribe Pro

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Member since: Jun 2018Deals bought: 384
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Jun 24, 2024

Glitchy, but still good

The UI and UX leave much to be desired, but the features are good and the AI generations for posts etc are good. I haven't tried Doc Chat yet, but that's not why I got this tool. I got it for transcription of audio to text and I use Afforai for research (doc chat).

I should start with the good... transcriptions seem to be accurate for audio lectures or audio books in English. Speaker recognition is hit or miss, but usually accurate. Also, it doesn't seem to matter how fast the speaker talks. As long as they enunciate well the transcript is accurate. I have not tried giving it a bad piece of content with a poor public speaker yet, and I probably won't need to. I did try speeding up audio playback to various speeds to see how far I could push the software. Transcripts DO change based on speed of playback in terms of where it puts paragraph breaks. However, it seems to be equally accurate at 1x speed all the way up to 1.5x speed. 2x speed does not work.

So, if you really need to load a lot of minutes to transcribe in a month, you can pretty safely render audio at 1.5x speed for most speakers and save some credits. That's nice to see for large projects that could eat up a lot of credits.

The "Bad":

If you go into a transcript and then back to the list of transcripts the software freezes up and tends to lose connection to the server.

Transcription times are not consistent. Some are very fast regardless of length, and others take hours even if they are short. My guess is a lack of adequate server resources for the current demand.

I have yet to find a log out button.

I'm not really sure why there are more than one button to get to your plan details in the side nav. There's a button that tells you what plan you're on that takes you to the "My Plan" page and theres a nav link to the "My Plan" page. I feel like that should all be under settings and not clutter the side nav with it.

There's a "Dashboard" button on the side nav that is also redundant. Displays plan info (again) and has a button to add AppSumo codes that takes you to the "My Plan" page.

Help and Support section is just a few FAQs and links to email support. No KB or anything like that.

Settings is just a place to change your name or password; can't change login email or any default parameters of the tool. It would be nice to see a way set default parameters for the tool or create templates to use for various types of uploads.

Often times the "My Transcription" page says that I don't have any files transcribed and requires several reloads of the page before anything shows up.

Founder Team


Jun 24, 2024

Hello Superdang,

Thanks for your detail review. The tool will be much enhanced over the time. We will enhance all the feedback you have written soon! Hope you will give us 5 tacos then.

