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Q: Listing plugin on multiple sites

Hi, I can't see if the Directory Listing Plugin is a separate plugin or is this code part of the themes? I want to know if I can take just the Directory Listing plugin and implement it on other sites that I have which are built using the Thrive Themes Architect builder because I don't like using the Gutenberg blocks.
And are there shortcodes that we can use for all features/widgets?

wiredafricanPLUSDec 9, 2024
Founder Team


Dec 9, 2024

A: Hi Andre, CitadelaWP Listing plugin can be used separately, without CitadelaWP theme and CitadelaWP Pro plugin.

CitadelaWP Listing plugin uses gutenberg, here's a quick guide on how to use it with 3rd party page builders such as Divi or Elementor:

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Hi Martin - I have the directory theme and the pro plugin licensed - however - my team is really frustrated having to input listings one at a time - is there a quick way to install from a CSV file and upload multiple listings to get started.

Edited: Dec 16, 2024

Thanks for your message. Yes there is an easy way of uploading items using CSV. Please check the online documentation: If you have any other questions please post them to our support system: