Q: Send lead via email and track conversions via GTM

Hello !
I want to use popup as a "call me back" form.
1/ Is it possible to send the lead to my customer's email (not related to my Claspo account) ?
2/ Is it possible to track conversions using Google Tag Manager (to send those to G Ads, FB Ads...)

Thanks !

UsulSep 5, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

A: Thank you for your question! Here's the info you need:

1) Sending leads via email:
Unfortunately, sending leads directly to an email isn’t possible. However, you can collect submissions via Google Sheets, Zapier, or any of our 20+ ready-to-use integrations, and from there, set up any automation you need. We're also releasing Webhooks soon, which will expand integration possibilities.

2) Tracking conversions via GTM:
Yes, it’s possible to track conversions using Google Tag Manager and send events to Google Analytics.

If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

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