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Verified purchaser

Member since: Nov 2018Deals bought: 161
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 6, 2024

Really good deal

I have testing it on few of my website and it working really well.
The site is really polished and offers a lot of options and adjustment.

There is no question here and it's worth the price and much more.

There few downsides i hope they will fix:
1) No webhook option yet but they are working on it.
2) No option to iframe and custom html (which make it limited)
3) There is no option to allow user to register more than one (if i give free offer i want to allow users to register as many times they want), iframe would have fixed that because i would use my own form.
4) There is no normal roadmap people can vote on

Other than that it's a really good offer and you should take it.

Founder Team


Sep 6, 2024

Thank you so much for your review and detailed feedback! We're glad to hear Claspo is working well for you, and we truly appreciate your insights.

Here's a quick update on your points:

1) Webhooks: They're on the way and will be released very soon! Stay tuned.

2) Iframe and Custom HTML: We currently don’t plan to add this due to security concerns, but we’d love to hear more about your specific use cases. Understanding your needs better could help us consider it more seriously.

3) Multiple Submissions: There’s a way to allow multiple registrations! It’s not super clear yet, but we have two types of forms—subscription forms (with validation to avoid duplicate entries) and request forms, which allow multiple submissions of the same data. If you select a request form, you'll get exactly what you're looking for. If you need guidance, feel free to reach out to us, or you can contact me directly at

4) Roadmap: Join our Slack community at, where we share upcoming plans and ideas. We’ve just launched it and would love your input!

Thanks again for your support, and we’re here to help you with anything you need! 😊
