Clawdia Reviews


4.57 stars
4.57 stars

Taco ratings


Customers are all about Clawdia, praising its intuitive interface, in-depth resources, and document generation capabilities. There are a few hiccups like limited document topics and electronic signature limitations, just small bumps on the road. Weighing the raves against the occasional grumbles, Clawdia is hitting the mark and is a solid buy for those in need of a legal software solution. Since this product is refundable, give it a try, because there's a 60-day money-back guarantee.

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Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Aug 2021Deals bought: 73
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jul 1, 2024

Awesome Legal Docs For Small Businesses

Affordable access to essential documents for small businesses. Clawdia's basic document set provides you with critical business documents, including those for independent contractors, service proposals, SaaS agreements, website terms and conditions, and loan agreements. Clawdia places these documents in a user friendly and intuitive interactive interface. All for less than the cost of an hour of a lawyer's time. Bravo Clawdia! Keep those documents coming.

Founder Team


Jul 10, 2024

Wow, thank you so much for the warm feedback :)) We will keep doing all we can to make the legal world for businesses affordable and friendly

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 25
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Apr 10, 2024

Your Legal Buddy

I bought this application and I like it so far. The interface is great and tells you what each action is when draft/creating a legal doc such as putting your business name your name and the person you are dealing with.

I had a great time talking to the Founder Vardit about Clawdia's future and what future docs will be made.

I am looking forward to docs I recommended such as non-compete agreements when contracting services that work on my behalf. Privacy policy agreements. etc. I'll recommend it to other businesses that need legal docs that can help them as well.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Jesse, Thank you so much for your kind words. I had a great time speaking with you the other day. I'm happy to read that you like Clawdia and its offerings. Please note that Clawdia offers various kinds of Privacy Policies and terms of use workflows for different types of businesses, such as e-commerce shops, SaaS products, etc. Additionally, it covers over 30 different legal topics common to...

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Nov 2020Deals bought: 9
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Jan 12, 2024


I am probably not the target audience for this web application but am pleasantly surprised by the quality so far. Normally, I have no problem paying for legal help and advice, so $100 for less critical needs is a no brainer.

The reason for buying this was to save time generating Terms and Privacy documents for websites I build. Normally, I just copy and paste them together, but this saves time and it seems like the topics are well researched and thought out. I have not tested the E-sign or AI features which seems to be their major selling point. The privacy policy scanner is a very handy feature!

A lot of thought has gone into the workflow. It has a nice and simple interface with very clear instructions and helpful tips along the way. The document export functions, which can be problematic on other platforms, work perfectly.

As other have brought up, there was no obvious way to see what legal topics were covered before buying which made the purchasing decision more difficult. For my use, I am pleased with the selection so far.

It would be great if the creators were able to continue to build this out. There is a lot of potential and value here. Probably one of the best purchases I have made on appsumo.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey Rob!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

It's fantastic to hear that Clawdia has been able to streamline your process of generating Terms and Privacy documents for the websites you build. We've put a lot of effort into ensuring that our topics are thoroughly researched and well thought out, so it's gratifying to know that it's making a difference for you....

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Nov 2022Deals bought: 499
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Dec 20, 2023

Too little topics covered

I like the overall design and idea, but there are simple employment contracts missing. Also, no indication what and when more contracts are being added. Maybe I refund, it´s not a real use currently for me.

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Verified Purchaser badge

Verified purchaser

Member since: Jul 2010Deals bought: 569
4 stars
4 stars
Posted: Nov 27, 2023

slim pickings

It's great to have this an an option, since legal services are expensive. But there isn't even a Disclaimer for a website doc, currently. The library is quite small as it stands. So buying this would be an investment in Clawdia's future.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey There,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We truly appreciate your feedback. It's great to hear that you recognize the value of having an affordable legal option like Clawdia, especially considering the high costs associated with traditional legal services.

Your point about the need for a Disclaimer for a website document is duly noted. I want to assure...

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