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Member since: Jul 2010Deals bought: 569
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4 stars
Posted: Nov 27, 2023

slim pickings

It's great to have this an an option, since legal services are expensive. But there isn't even a Disclaimer for a website doc, currently. The library is quite small as it stands. So buying this would be an investment in Clawdia's future.

Founder Team


May 9, 2024

Hey There,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We truly appreciate your feedback. It's great to hear that you recognize the value of having an affordable legal option like Clawdia, especially considering the high costs associated with traditional legal services.

Your point about the need for a Disclaimer for a website document is duly noted. I want to assure you that we are committed to continually expanding and improving our library of legal documents. As a lawyer with a decade of experience, I understand the importance of comprehensive legal coverage. I'm pleased to inform you that we currently cover over 30 legal topics, including privacy policies and terms of use for websites, service agreements, and more.

At Clawdia, our mission is to make legal processes accessible, easy, and friendly for business owners and entrepreneurs like yourself. We've incorporated various features such as educational videos, tips, and a knowledge base to empower you with a better understanding of your legal environment and decision-making.

Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we're dedicated to addressing the needs of our users. We're actively working on expanding our capabilities based on customer demand. We encourage you to be an integral part of our community and share your specific legal needs with us. This way, we can tailor Clawdia to better suit your requirements.

Thank you for being part of the Clawdia community, and we look forward to continually serving you better.
