Q: Question About Company
Hey Nirav, I looked at your YouTube channel and your video from two years ago gave me serious doubts about the actual viability of this product. I'm surprised appsumo even let you launch without removing that because the audio is so bad the captions couldn't generate, although the baby in the background came through with perfect clarity. That being said, I'm interested in the product and like the idea if it's what you say. But I'm curious about a few things. First, how many employees do you have and how many devs are working on the program full time? We've been getting a lot of calls from spanish job seekers on Google - we've done everything you can do but they're still getting through. How would the AI block this or can the AI block this at all?

Jan 7, 2025A: Thank you for your detailed feedback and questions. Let me address everything transparently.
About that YouTube video - I understand your concern. That was from our early development phase when one of our remote developers created it specifically for Google Ads API verification, not for users. We've been so focused on product development and customer protection that we haven't revisited old content, but you make a valid point.
ClickMoat has evolved significantly since then. We now have a dedicated team of 4 developers working full-time on our click fraud prevention system.
Our platform focuses on protecting your ad spend by:
Detecting and blocking suspicious clicking patterns
Preventing repeated fraudulent clicks
Identifying automated click attempts
Regarding Spanish job seeker calls, while we don't directly block phone calls, our system helps reduce unwanted interactions by protecting your ads from fraudulent clicks at the source.
Thanks for getting back to me. It won't block the first phone call from them, which comes from them clicking on the ad - will it prevent a second? And can the AI detect people like this who are searching for jobs online and clicking on ads - and can it then block those job seekers with that behavior from clicking on our ads?

ClickMoat can't prevent the first click or call, but we can block repeat clicks from the same source once identified. While we can't predict if someone is a job seeker before their first click, our system prevents their subsequent click attempts, reducing wasted ad spend. Your feedback about job seeker patterns is valuable.