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Member since: May 2022Deals bought: 43
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1 stars
Posted: Sep 18, 2024


I have been trying to decide if I post this or wait to see if improvements happen however after seeing questions not being answered and reviews from people with similar issues, I thought it was important to post to warn potential buyers.

Initially when I got onto the platform, I was super excited as this seemed to be exactly what I had been looking for. However, within the first 15 minutes of using it I started to notice the poor UI and random errors when doing things.

I remained optimistic and pushed on trying to make the platform work for me but at every attempt I just kept finding bugs which was disheartening. I thought I would give them a chance and opened a few tickets to go around in circles with level 1 (which was very fast) and then every one of my tickets would eventually get escalated to higher levels... and that's where they sat, I ended up fixing most of my myself due to lack of response or miss-understanding of my request.

I also had times where support created apps and entered my server despite me ticking the box saying I do not agree with support having access to my server.

There are some glaring security issues on this platform as well, which I think need to be considered before you buy.

- The product is out of India which is less regulated than the US and Europe
- They say that the plugin is secure from them being compromised as the probe can only do what it’s told however it has a file manager so it could easily do anything
- There is no way to ensure you are the only person with access to your server, their support go in when they want even when denied
- If their servers are compromised all of yours are too

I really wish that this product was better however they have been in business for over 4 years already. Given the platform is this bad after that time, I don’t have confidence that it will be any better in the next 4.

Personally, I feel like they may be trying to build a user base to sell the business.

Not to discount from the great work done, this is such a good concept and a decent(ish) product it is just very poorly executed.

Advice to the owners to be successful;

- Add an easy way to submit bugs
- Fix your processes to ensure customers are responded to
- Add a QA tester to ensure everything is tested
- Security should be at the top of your list, get some servers in the EU and US (and AU) and start working on compliance.
- Actually accept items onto your wish list! I have added so many things to the roadmap and they still haven’t popped up.

This product is great for anyone with little technical ability and just needed to host some WordPress sites. If you need more than that, you may need to go somewhere else unfortunately.

Founder Team


Sep 18, 2024

Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback. It's clear that you've invested significant effort into trying to make CloudStick work for your needs, and I'm sorry to hear about your disappointing experience. We genuinely appreciate your insights and suggestions; they highlight areas where we need to improve.

We're currently on AppSumo to gather feedback and identify bugs, and the feedback process is an essential part of how we're working to improve the platform. CloudStick is a complex piece of enterprise-level software, and while we're actively fixing issues daily, some changes take time to implement due to the nature of our development pipelines.

Regarding the support and security concerns you mentioned, these are areas we take very seriously. We strive to provide the best support possible, but we acknowledge that there have been some misunderstandings and missteps in your case. Accessing a customer's server without permission is not our policy, and we'll investigate this to prevent it from happening in the future. Security is indeed a top priority for us, and we're working toward more stringent compliance, including expanding our server presence in different regions to meet various regulatory requirements.

We understand that CloudStick might not be a perfect fit for everyone, especially if you have more complex needs at this time. However, we’re committed to continuous improvement and building a product that meets our users' needs.

We have no intention of selling the business; our focus is on building a robust platform and even, so far we have received 3 acquisition offers.
