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Member since: Sep 2014Deals bought: 633
5 stars
5 stars
Posted: Sep 3, 2024

Lots of potential!

I would normally give this a 3 tacos based on its current condition, but just because some early reviewers gave unjustifiable bad reviews, I added 2 more!!

I am not saying this can replace Runcloud yet, but it has a lot of potential. The onboarding process is a pain, UX is bit annoying, UI is not very modern, typos and unclickable links in some places is indeed bothering. The team definitely needs a good QA to work on it.

Now for the good part... you cannot compare this with Runcloud because it has more capabilities than Runcloud, albeit missing some essential features. All in all it seems, Cloudstick has made more progress in 4 years than Runcloud has in 8 years. So I am hopeful, and give all the best to team!

I am gonna stick with CloudStick for now, and check back early next year, when my Runcloud subscription expires. Hopefully by then the team has ironed out all the kinks, included the essential features, and I will be able to migrate my servers here.

Founder Team


Sep 5, 2024

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback and for recognizing the potential of CloudStick! We're glad to hear you're planning to stick with us and appreciate your patience as we continue to improve.

We acknowledge the issues you’ve mentioned, and the onboarding process, UX, and UI are areas we’re actively working on. Your suggestion for a stronger QA focus is spot on, and we are making this a priority to ensure a smoother experience moving forward.

It’s great to hear you recognize our progress, and we aim to make even bigger strides in the coming months. We’re committed to addressing the essential features and kinks you've pointed out and look forward to earning your trust when your Runcloud subscription expires next year. Your support means a lot to the team!

Best regards,
