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Member since: Nov 2014Deals bought: 372
3 stars
3 stars
Posted: Sep 9, 2024

Tool with Potential

1. Their interface is easy to use which is great.
2. But the offered "Unlimited Free Migration 24/7 Ticket Based Support" needs improvement. We had a migration of seven Wordpress sites (two of which had medium traffic- all others low traffic) that took sometime because we were not willing to grant full complete access to our Nameserver registrar account.
In today's age any setup or transition process that requires full access to all your essential accounts to setup is questionable. We slowed the process down by not wanting to disable 2fa and hand over login email and password. But we have absolutely now way of knowing who has access to the support emails where we have sent all that credential info. This is even more true with companies having remote workers all around the world.
Overall they completed the steps needed with us making nameserver changes ourselves, and the site file transfers were completed. Documentation about Cloudflare setup and configuration is somewhat lacking. We don't expect such a company to educate their customers generally, but specific detailed information on how it BEST works with your system (and how to set it up) is necessary. So many products available today that make producing documentation easy, every tech company should offer good documentation. Especially if they have been in business for a few years.
3. A big concern is that ticket responses back to us did get slower ("24/7 Ticket Based Support"), such that now we still have a ticket unanswered after three days. This is really important as a down website can serious harm a business, and not being able to access business emails promptly can also be serious.
So we are still waiting to start the email setup after we figured out the remaining site transition and domain propagation issues ourselves and got the WordPress sites up and running.
Overall, we hope the product keeps improving and developing!

Founder Team


Sep 11, 2024

Thank you for sharing your feedback, and we're happy to hear that you found our interface easy to use.

When it comes to migrations, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Each migration can require a different approach depending on the setup of the old server and the requirements of the new one. We always strive to ensure a smooth transition with minimal or no downtime. We’ve successfully completed over 2000 site migrations without any major issues, and when customers provide full access, the process is quicker and more efficient. However, when access is limited, it can slow down the process, which is understandable, but it does require more time to ensure everything is done correctly.

In cases where the old server setup isn’t proper—like missing databases or configuration issues—this can further delay the migration. Our aim is always to provide the most efficient service while ensuring the integrity of your data.

Thank you again for your feedback. We're committed to improving and providing the best possible experience for our customers.
