Q: Using AI for calculations and correlations

1. If I have an Excel file with bedtime and wake-up time, and other data, would Columns figure out how many hours of sleep? And would that data be used to look for correlations?

2. What if I enter the number of hours slept each day, and the number of productive hours that day (say, measured in pomodoris), would Columns be able to find any correlation between sleep and productivity, given that the productive action would happen the day after sleeping?

PeteProPLUSSep 13, 2024
Founder Team


Sep 14, 2024

A: Sounds doable, I suggest you connect your data on Columns and just try it out, use the AI conversation to see if it helps. Everything has free trial, so there is no cost to try it.

If you have data to share, I can play with it and share you a video if you like.

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